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Excerpts from An Ocean of Fierce Loving: Poems on Love & Transformation:
Read each other like one reads braille
With the lightest touch.
A sensitive heart
Will always hear more
Than an interpreting mind.
If you think you must
Always understand each other
To have communion
You are mistaken.
There are times
When you need simply
To lie together
In silence
Where language
Cannot interfere
With your true belonging.
When your boat
Moves on to a new harbor,
You can’t get off
On the old dock!
Water Table
Like a woman once frozen in winter
Now melting into spring’s pure drinking water,
I am reminded that what we have in common
Never dries up.
Isolation is our forgetting.
Truth is our return.
Running deep and faithfully
At all times
Is a water table of love.
Reviews for An Ocean of Fierce Loving: Poems on Love & Transformation:
There is so much impressive about Zan’s work. Her blend of the psychological and spiritual is right on, an alchemical mix of the interpersonal, intrapersonal and transpersonal. Her writing is paradoxically accessible and profound at the same time. We, as the readers, sense that she writes about terrain that she knows intimately, and we are able to perceive ourselves through the lens of her humor, compassion and tenderness. It is clearly her passion that sends us her messages, and has the potential to awaken our own, along with the reminder that “safety never reaches into majesty.
—Marla Estes, M.A., Transpersonal Studies. Teacher, writer, co-facilitator.Enter the poet into our lives, a risk-taker, laying out her vision of things and asking “Does this help?” She’s hoping each poem will cause us to exclaim in wonder, “I never thought of it that way!” If that’s not love, I don’t know what is. I suspect that by the end you will find poems you love, and you will say to yourself, “I’m not the same person as I was when first I began to read all this.” And in that case, I say, Good for Zan! And, good for you.
—Richard N. Bolles, author of What Color is Your Parachute?
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Excerpts from Unchosen Poems:
Longings are the leopards
That run through my soul.
I let them go wildly
Through jungles they know.
Natural born hunters
Instinctual and free,
I never turn a blind eye
To what these cats see.
This Lake of Love
Where clouds move freely along the floor
And geese fly gracefully through liquid skies,
My gaze, at last, in deep repose,
Reflecting quietly through nature’s eyes.
I think that I could never live
Without these timeless water days,
Watching trees grow deep as high,
Melting mind’s more linear ways.
So slight the veil between these worlds,
The one below and the one above.
And yet, when heady focus reigns,
I forget this lake of love.
Excerpt from Introduction of Unchosen Poems:
“Though I’ve written many poems since my childhood that are free form, I still have a deep affinity with poems that rhyme. I know I am not alone in this love affair. I remember reading a wonderful story about Isak Dinnesan, the well known author of Out of Africa. When she spoke to the young African natives in rhyming Swahili they would break out laughing and tell her not to stop ‘speaking to them like rain’!”
Reviews for Unchosen Poems:
I can almost hear Zan Nix singing these lovely song-poems to help us “dine on words/and metaphors/ and sing through open hearts like doors.” With Zan we experience “the longing leopards that run through (the) soul,” and delight in Unchosen Poems filled with wisdom, heart and spirit.
—Susan Wooldridge, author of poemcrazy: freeing your life with words and Foolsgold: Making Something from Nothing and Freeing the Creative Process.
Q-What is poetry?
A-Intercourse for infinity.
—Odysseas Elytis

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